2020 Online Gangnam Medi tour Festa
2020-11-12 16:11
Are you interesting in medical tourism in South Korea , but don’t know where to start. The 2020OnlineGangnamMeditourFesta where you can meet the world-renowned Korean medical staff in one place was held on October 24th You can get any medical-related information you always wanted to know about, such as treatment and surgery, at the 20OnlineGangnamMeditourFesta! They are medical staff at medical institutions that have been thoroughly verified according to strict standards set by Gangnam-gu Office, so your curiosity will be surely satisfied. They say that there are massive event gifts and benefits provided only to those participating in the online fair. Fair period: 2020.10.24 ~ 2020.12.31 Link: https://gangnammeditour.kr/ Languages available: English, Chinese, Japanese Also, we invite you to visit the booth of Gangnam Medical Tourism On the center online booth you can find all the center’s information service provided guidebook of medical tourism in Gangnam online video chat and many many useful things !!! |