Medical interpretation
Medical interpretation
Gangnam Medical Tour Center provides interpretation services via professional medical tourism interpretation coordinators for international tourists who need interpreters for their doctor’s consultations.Coordinator pool(Charged)
정보 테이블 English Chinese Japanese Russian Mongolian Spanish Thai Vietnamese Total 8 9 7 7 2 1 1 1 37 정보 테이블 English Chinese Japanese Russian 8 9 7 7 정보 테이블 Mongolian Spanish Thai Vietnamese 2 1 1 1 정보 테이블 Total 37 Eligibility
International medical tourists
- Those who are visiting one of the partnering medical institutions (if the language is not available)
- Via interpreters in Gangnam's Global Healthcare Coordinator pool
- For non-partnering medical institutions, via agencies registered for international patient services (paid service)
Interpretation (for medical consultation, operation appointment, etc).
Via "Medical Gangnam" platform
- Book at least one week before the appointment date
- You will be charged in the full interpretation service fee if you cancel on the day or do not show up (deducted from the eligible service round)
- To cancel the service, contact the interpreter and the Gangnam Medical Tour Center at least 24 hours before the appointment time
- Applications for medical interpretation can be made up to one month in advance.
How to request
request an interpreter via platformMedical Touristscheck schedule of interpreters for the selected language and approveCoordinatorsvisit medical institution in personPatient + Interpretersubmit interpretation confirmation letterCoordinatorsNotice regarding interpretation connection service
- Since the pool of interpreters at Gangnam Medical Tour Center is limited, we are giving priority to connecting with partner organizations.
- Next, we will prioritize connecting medical institutions that attract foreign patients in Gangnam-gu area.
- Please note that providing the service to areas other than Gangnam-gu are restricted.
Apply for the interpretation service -
Pick-up service
Pick-up service
Gangnam Medi-Call
“Gangnam Medi-Call” is an end-to-end transportation service provided to international medical tourists, from arrival to departure.Eligibility
International medical tourists
- Patients visiting the partnering medical institutions
- Patients who are going to have a surgery or other treatment procedure
- Cosmetics and beauty clinics: Patients who have paid a deposit
- General hospital and other treatments: Those who submit a flight booking confirmation letter or a copy of medical visa.
Subsidizes 50% of pick-up taxi fees (from and to the airport) (to be paid by the partnering institution)
※ Available routes: Incheon Airport Gangnam (to medical institution or hotel)
i.M Taxi
- Deadline: Book at least 3 days prior to the arrival date after you book your flight ticket
- Confirmation: Booking confirmed by the medical institution and informed to the medical tourist (where to wait for the taxi and the taxi’s plate number)
Designated pick-up location
Terminal 1 (use platforms 2 and 12)Terminal 1 (use platforms 2 and 12)Procedure
The medical tourist arrives at the airport and contacts the hospitalmedical institution’s coordinator shares the location of the patient with the taxi drivertaxi operator picks up the patientpatient gets off at the destination (to medical institution or hotel)Apply for the Pick-up service -
Healing zone
Healing zone
The Gangnam Medical Tour Center provides a number of medical experience programs that will help international visitors relieve the fatigue of international travel.Eligibility
International visitors
Approx. 15 to 20 minutes
- Private space for quiet healing time
- Medical equipment trial opportunities: Hair loss relief and dry eye relief tools
- Referral to the related specialists: If you want you can get a referral to a partnering institution based on the body
composition analysis and skin test results.
Guide to using the healing zonemedical equipment demo (scalp care, eye care, body composition analyzer, and skin analyzer)one-on-one medical consultation (based on analysis results)referral to partnering specialists (if necessary, information on procedures and liaison services for the partnering institutions)Programs
Facial analysis system
- You can check your skin’s status in real time, including pores, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Fees: Free
- Prior requirement: None
- Hours: 10 AM–6 PM (weekdays)
- Note: You can wear makeup for the test, but we recommend washing your face first for more accurate results.
- You can check your skin’s status in real time, including pores, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.
Eye care experience
- Wear a comforting eye patch to relieve dry eyes and relax the eye muscles.
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Fees: Free
- Prior requirement: None
- Hours: 10 AM–6 PM (weekdays)
- Note: If you have sensitive body type, adjust the massage strength to suit your type.
- Wear a comforting eye patch to relieve dry eyes and relax the eye muscles.
Scalp care experience
- The tool uses LEDs to relieve scalp diseases and hair loss.
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Fees: Free
- Prior requirement: None
- Hours: 10 AM–6 PM (weekdays)
- Note: If you have sensitive scalp, it may feel very warm.s
- The tool uses LEDs to relieve scalp diseases and hair loss.
Recliner massage chair
- Sit and relax on a recliner massage chair to relieve the fatigue accumulated during your travel.
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Fees: Free
- Prior requirement: None
- Hours: 10 AM–6 PM (weekdays)
- Note: Take a moment to gather your mind and relax in a private space that is just for you.
- Sit and relax on a recliner massage chair to relieve the fatigue accumulated during your travel.
Tax Refund
Tax Refund
The Gangnam Medical Tour Center provides VAT refund services inside the center in collaboration with GLOBAL TAX FREE.What is a VAT refund?
It is a service that reimburses the value added tax included in the goods that international tourists purchased in Korea, but will take with them when they leave the country.
Business Information
- Providing unmanned VAT card refund service Open
- From 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays
- Inquiry: +82-2-518-0837
- Email: gtf@global-taxfree.com
- Gift provided when using tax refund at Gangnam Medical Tour Center
Refund procedure
A medical institution issues a medical service provision formation letter to the international patientpatient visits the tax refund desk at the departure platform of the airport (or port) or city tax refund desksdepart -
Robot Cafe
Robot Cafe
At the Gangnam Medical Tour Center, visitors can enjoy premium beverages using high-tech automated services.Details
- At the Gangnam Medical Tour Center, visitors can experience high-tech automated services.
- Robot cafe
- Strict hygiene standards with daily inspection
- Easy payment and pick-up system using smartphone applications and kiosk
- Hours: 10 AM–6 PM (weekdays; closed on weekends and holidays)
Place order (via app or kiosk)beverage made by the robotbeverage stored until pick-upbeverage picked up by the customer (enter the pick-up number)