    What is period pain?
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    What is period pain?

    What is period pain?

    • With the onset of Menarche, every month your ovaries release an egg. During your menstruation cycle, the hormones make the lining of your uterus thick – but if pregnancy doesn’t happen, the thick lining, endometrium, breaks down by itself and it is your period. When the endometrial cells break down, substances known as prostaglandins are released, which cause uterine contraction so that it makes the lining come off the walls of your uterus and leave your body. During your period, your uterus undergoes continual muscular contractions in the direction of pushing your blood out. Period pain occurs in the repetitive process of contractions and causes squeezing pain or cramps.
      • Ovulation

        which is ready to be fertilized

      • Contraction of Uterus Muscles

        prostaglandins is
        released because of
        the breaking down
        of the uterus lining

      • Period


    • If your period cramps are way worse suddenly than usual, why?

      Two Types of Menstrual Cramps

      Primary Dysmenorrhea vs Secondary Dysmenorrhea It starts within 24 hours right before your period and usually lasts between 48-72 hours. You may mostly feel pain in the lower belly and on the lower back, but sometimes you may experience constitutional symptoms. In the case of Secondary Dysmenorrhea, the pain starts one week before your period or earlier in your menstrual cycle and lasts longer for a few days after your period. This type of pain is different from Primary Dysmenorrhea cramps and if you have any of the following symptoms below, it would be better to suspect other diseases related Secondary Dysmenorrhea.
    • Primary Dysmenorrhea
    • Pain associated in the absence of pelvic disease
    • Cramping pain on the lower abdomen & back pain
    • Migraine/ Vomiting/ Fatigue/ Anemia
    • Nervousness/ Loss of appetite/Loose stools/ Bowel dysfunction/ Swollen breasts
    • Secondary Dysmenorrhea
    • Associated with pelvic pathology
    • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen / Pain that radiates to your lower back and thighs
    • Had relatively painless menstrual cycle in the past, but start to having severe pains suddenly that interfere with doing everyday things.
    • Chills/ Vomiting/ Back pain/ Generalized weakness/ Fatigue/ Loose stools/ Dizziness/ Feeling tense or nervous/ Fainting (accompanied by above constitutional symptoms)

    Conditions that can cause Secondary Dysmenorrhea

    • Endometriosis
    • Adenomyosis
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Cervical stenosis
    • Uterine myoma

    5 Best Tips for a Healthy Period

    • Keep your lower abdomen warm

      Take a warm half bath or use a hitting pad for good blood circulation in your lower belly and lower body. It will be helpful to relieve your pain.

    • Do light stretching

      Regular exercise stimulates the release of hormones which will be effective in alleviating pains.

    • Make sure you get enough protein
      and vitamins in your diet

      it is good to take foods rich in protein and vitamins such as brown rice, fruits, vegetables, seaweed, fish and beans.

    • Get plenty of rest

      Getting enough sleep and rest can help with stresses and will reduce your period pain.

    • Wear casual clothes

      Wearing tight clothes will disturb the blood circulation in your abdomen and lower body, so it will not be effective to relieving your pain.