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주식회사 오픈베이
기관 유치업체 운영시간 09:30 - 18:30 / 공휴일 및 매주 토, 일요일 휴무
전화번호 +82-2-3785-3670 이메일 chloe.choi@theopenbay.com
사용가능언어 한국어 홈페이지 http://www.theopenbay.com/
주소 서울 강남구 학동로 137-6 인의빌딩 203호  지도

Openbay is a licensed marketing agency collaborating with some of the most reputable medical institutions and renowned specialists in Asia, curating healthcare, beauty, and health screening packages for our global partners including Visa and Trip.com. We have successfully referred thousands of customers to our panel of partner hospitals and clinics in Korea and Singapore for internal medicine, preventive care, anti-aging, OB/GYN, and skincare.

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