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2017년 강남메디컬투어센터 소식지 5+6월호
2017-08-31 12:01

News Letter

From Gangnam Medical Tour Center

2017.5+6 Vol.26

Summer is just around the corner.
Do you know about Gangnam Medical Tour Center.
If do you plan to across border to Korea for medial service, you should know Gangnam Medical Tour Center.  

Are you ready for journey getting medical service.
What is your priority to choose medical tourism destination?

If you need some information for medical tourism in Ganangm, Korea Contact GMTC, We will take care of you with our heart.
Any questions, complaints, information anything anytimem contact us.


You can get medical and tourism information by our Facebook

Do you know?

If you just get into our website and click one button, you can receive News letter avery month.

Jaungo lip balm& Korean traditional tea tasting class

The second floor (Korean Wave Experience Zone) has been under constructions.
Sorry for your inconvenience. But you can be still join Our K- Medi Experience Clas.
This is a good chance to know about knorean culture. You can make lip balm or facial mist.
Do not hesitate , just get into our website and make a reservation for the class

  • When: Every Mon. Thur. 14:00 ∼ 15:00
    ※ for groups: open all day
  • Who: foreign tourists
  • Free of charge

V.A.T Refund for foreign patients

  • step 1 : Check the medical institution participates refund service
  • step 2 : After consultation, receive V.A.T Refund conformation letter.
  • step 3 : find the place(in the city or airport) to get tex refund
  • step 4 : Show your passport and V.A.T Refund conformation letter and get the tex refund.

the theme of relay campaign in April - Gangnam Medical has the best price tag. it says ‘Clear’

the theme of relay campaign in June - Medical staff’s name tag : Safe diagnosis

We provide interpretation service.(Charged)

How to

  • Resister : email or phone
  • Contact with a coordinatir
  • Confirmation
  • Contact No: +82-1661-2230
  • Email: medicaltour.gangnam@gmail.com

Healing day with Mizmedi hospital

Gangnam medical tour center and Mizmedi hospital held the Healing day for Russian patients who has visited Gangnam to get medical service.
They enjoyed good classic music and experienced Korean baby care class.
They were so pleased and enjoyed the time with us.


Thanks for your visit!
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