• Yeson Voice Center
    정보 테이블
    Medical fieldOtorhinolaryngology Certificate of healthcare provider for international patientsM-2009-01-08-0065
    Phone+82-2-3444-0559 Consultation Emailenglish@yesonvc.com
    Interpretation Languages Korean, English, Russian , Spanish Homepagehttp://www.yesonvc.net
    Operating timeWeekdays 9:00AM - 18:00PM / Weekend, Public holidays
    Address Gangnam-gu Cheongdam-dong Samsung-ro 773, Seoul  
    Promotional Material  
    정보 테이블
    Medical fieldOtorhinolaryngology
    Certificate of healthcare provider for international patientsM-2009-01-08-0065
    Consultation Emailenglish@yesonvc.com
    Interpretation Languages , Spanish
    Operating timeWeekdays 9:00AM - 18:00PM / Weekend, Public holidays
    Address Gangnam-gu Cheongdam-dong Samsung-ro 773, Seoul  
    Promotional Material  

    Otolaryngology > Throat > Voice feminazation surgery

    About clinic

    Yeson Voice Center is the first and largest voice care center available in Korea providing customized and specialized voice management services through its cutting-edge voice examination program and advanced medical equipment. Since its foundation in 2003, Yeson Voice Center is striving to provide the best medical treatment services and developing the most advanced treatment system for voice. Yeson Voice Center has earned ‘Act Award’ by the National Institutes of Health in 2002 followed by the certificate award by the Minister of Health and Welfare in 2015. In 2009, YVC was appointed as one of the best medical facilities for promoting international patients being also appointed as the medical institution of charity by KHIDI in 2011.
    The major laryngeal diseases being treated in Yeson Voice Center include vocal nodule, vocal polyp, vocal cyst, granulomatus laryngitis, reinke edema, sulcus vocalis, laryngeal pappiloma, laryngeal cancer, laryngopharyngeal reflux and so forth. In addition, scarred vocal folds, hoarse voice, unstable phonation can be diagnosed and treated through the voice treatment program available in the clinic.

    Specialized Medical Dept

    1) Vocal Fold Shortening and Advancement of Anterior Commisure (VFS AAC)
    The new method of voice feminization surgery, called “Vocal Fold Shortening and Advancement of Anterior Commissure,” is the world’s first treatment that does not incise the skin and get the same result of modifying the vocal cord to a female shape using an endoscope. This procedure which was developed by Yeson Voice Center was presented at the Voice Foundation Association in the United States on May 29, 2007.
    2) Percutaneous Injection Laryngoplasty
    Percutaneous Injection Laryngoplasty is a new method developed to improve the operating procedures using electromyogram. Without the need of anesthesia, this new process preserves major vocal membrane and vocal layer, and allows for inserting an organic prosthesis in the right place. The electrymyogrammic needle helps to spot and insert the material, improving the voice dramatically almost permanently.
    3) Microlaryngeal surgery+PDL
    Microlaryngeal surgery, or phonomicrosurgery, has been developed since 19th Century as the observation of the larynx through reflecting mirrors began. Laryngeal mirrors (tools with small mirrors attached which are used to see into the larynx through the mouth) provided the most significant part of understanding and treating vocal fold diseases.
    4) Multichannel Phonokinetic Evaluation System
    Multichannel Phonokinetic Evaluation System is newly developed by Yeson Voice Center to evaluate the phonatory pattern and substantiated the phonatory muscle usage and kinetic aspect of respiratory phasing during classical singing.

    Medical Dept
    정보 테이블
    Name Inpatient Outpatient Cost Special Conditions
    Vocal Folds Shortening and Retrodisplacement of Anterior Commissure General 5-7 days 8800(USD) Discharge on the operation day
    Laryngeal Papilloma Surgery General 21 days 15400(USD) Discharge on the operation day
    Percutaneous Injection Laryngoplasty Local 5 days 5300(USD) Discharge on the operation day
    정보 테이블
    Medical staff Operating rooms / Treatment rooms Available Anesthesiologist Availability of AED
    6 1 / 2 Y Y
    정보 테이블
    Medical staff Operating rooms / Treatment rooms
    6 1 / 2
    정보 테이블
    Available Anesthesiologist Availability of AED
    Y Y
    Background of Chief Director

    The Graduate of the Catholic University of Korea, School of Medicine
    Newyork center for voice and swallowing disorder, Columbia university Intern
    Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of the Catholic University of Korea
    Clinical fellow, national institute neurologic disorder(NINDS) / NIH, Laryngerl & speech center, USA
    Special Act Award by NIH
    Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of the Catholic University of Korea
    Registered specialist at the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association
    Reviewer of American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

    Medical Equipment

    1. Mutichannel Phokinetic Evaluation System (MPES)
    2. Pulsed-Dye Laser (PDL)
    3. 2cc Luer-Lock 27G microscopic needle
    4. 1:20000 epineprine with sterile saline

    Insurance Company

